Structure from Motion [SfM] Photogrammetry for Industrial Heritage.
A (3D) approach can better quantify Geomorphological structures, Industrial Heritage and other structural characteristics that play an important role in the modern photogrammetric techniques. Structure-from-Motion (SfM) is an emerging photogrammetric method for high-resolution 3D structural reconstruction. This study utilized SfM 3D reconstruction open source software tools to create textured mesh models of a Lignite Silo in Ptolemaida Lignite Centre of Northern Greece.
The reconstructed orthophoto and 3D Model were then integrated with geospatial software in order to quantify metrics pertaining to 3D complexity. The resulting data provided high-resolution physical properties of the building that were then combined with overlapping digital photo to accurately characterize the final model. The 3D reconstruction of the Lignite Silo structure and complexity can be integrated with other topographic parameters in future research to develop finally reliable 3D models.