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Τhe Cephalonia Transform Fault and its extension to western Lefkada island (Greece)

The central area of the Ionian Islands is dominated by the existence of a major tectonic structure called the Cephalonia Transform Fault (CTF). Its main part (Cephalonia segment) has been identified by previous work based on the spatial distribution of earthquake foci, fault plane solutions of strong earthquakes, active tectonics, structural studies and geodetic measurements.

This part (Cephalonia segment) which exhibits strike-slip motion with a thrust component, strikes in a NE direction, dips SE and has a length of ~90 km. In the present paper information concerning new fault plane solutions, orientation of isoseismals, sea bottom topography and recent GPS results are used to further check the properties of this southern part of the CTF and to explore its northeastward prolongation to Lefkada island.

It is shown that the CTF is extended to the western coast of Lefkada. This northern branch (Lefkada segment) of the CTF which is also characterized by strike-slip motion with a thrust component, strikes in a NNE direction, dips to ESE and has a length of ~40 km. These two segments of the CTF form a major kinematic boundary where the slip rate is 2-3 cm/yr.

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