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Intergrated GIS, Fuzzy Logic and AHP in modelling Optimum Sites for Landfill Selection.

During the last decades one of the most critical and most difficult environmental problems the societies are facing, relates to the implementation of integrated solid waste management programs (SWM). The potential problems, resulting from inadequate application or inapplicability of rational SWM programs, are identified both at the stage of the original waste collection and transport as well as at the stage of the choice of the disposal method.

The Landfill as an option for final disposal, is considered imperative, regardless of the method or the system of waste management that can be selected. Therefore the criteria established for the siting of a landfill are many, multidisciplinary and sometimes conflicting. To this end, the site selected regions depend largely on the choice of criteria, the chosen locating method, as well as their potential limitations.

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