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Subsidence and deformation monitoring using Multi-source Satellite SAR Images. The case of Kalohori

Ground subsidence due to overexploitation of the aquifers has posed a constant threat to the safety of surface infrastructure such as motorways, railways, power lines, and telecommunications cables.

Traditional monitoring techniques like using levels, total stations and GPS can only measure on a point-by-point basis and hence are costly and time-consuming. Differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (DINSAR) together with GPS and GIS have been studied as a complementary alternative by exploiting multi-source satellite SAR images over an urban area southeast of Thessaloniki.

Digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from ERS-1 and ERS-2 tandem images, photogrammetry, airborne laser scanning, and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission were assessed based on ground survey data using levelling as well as GPS-RTK. The identified high quality DEM was then used in the DINSAR analysis.

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