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Saline Web-Gis 

Representation and analysis of water - related phenomena by Gis Facilitates their management. Gis Applications that are of particular importance to water industry professional are: mapping, monitoring, modeling and maintenance. These four parameters define some of the most important activities for efficient management of water systems.

With the help of the Web-Gis technologies we can realize the full potential of Gis technology in solving water chemistry related problems.  

Saline Web-Gis platform supports data chemistry manipulation. This web technology (pure HTML/JavaScript) is beneficial when used by large audience – users who are not willing (or not capable) to install thick client application and when Java Applet is in the way. Saline Web-Gis merges smoothly into all standard web browsers (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, etc.). Advanced JavaScript and AJAX is used to provide best user experience.

System Architecture

Saline Web-Gis is much more complex system than web viewer because of it's ability to edit spatial data and geometries.

This web application can store, edit, manage, show on map, analyze data from water chemical analyses. The web application analyzes the data and produces a series of diagrams, such as SDurov, Extended Durov, Piper, Stiff, Waterlot, Wilcox, Sar, Ternary and various statistical diagrams.


Result can be plotted or printed.

Saline Web-Gis Editor

Architecture and data structure
Web-GIS platform for implementing Spatial Data

Saline Web-GIS is used to import, export, manipulate and develop various cartographic products. The layer manager includes vector and raster data (satellite images, thematic maps and density maps).

Main functionalities of Saline Web-Gis:
  • Add, edit and delete data from water chemical analyses.

  • Show point data on map.

  • Select data by attributes or perform spatial selection.

  • Produce a series of diagrams (piper, durov, stiff, waterlot, sar, ternary, etc).

  • Print maps and diagrams.

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