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LPis Web-Gis

Evmolpos has developed an innovative and powerful set of tools that cover all aspects of Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS). They can be deployed in client-server architecture or in an Internet-based system. We have combined these tools into an Internet-based system for editing the graphical and descriptive information on usage of agricultural land.

System Architecture

LPIS is a Web-Gis application where the user can search, edit and manage parcel data.

Search queries can be applied either based on attribute data (i.e. parcel owner) either based on spatial selection.

Parcel geometries can be edited using web-editing capabilities.

Advance map print out can be created along with data reports.

LPis Web-Gis

Architecture and data structure
Web-GIS platform for implementing Spatial Data

Saline Web-GIS is used to import, export, manipulate and develop various cartographic products. The layer manager includes vector and raster data (satellite images, thematic maps and density maps).

Main functionalities of LPIS Web-Gis application:
  • geometry editing (points, lines and polygons)

  • querying attributes and graphical data

  • unique identification of land parcel

  • statistical analysis and thematic mapping

  • import and export of data

  • identification of doubly-declared areas

  • Print Template editor for managing printing sheets

  • validation of data on many points and also cross-checking with other spatial layers

  • server administration tools for tracking end-users

  • migration tools

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