Once upon a time in the Web - Episode V
Combining expropriating processes and geographic information systems (GIS) remains a key issue for land management and property system....

Once upon a time … in the web - Episode i
Evmolpos company is the technology leader in bringing geographic information systems (GIS) in cloud computing. Evmolpos uses a...

Implementation of Mapserver UMN and effective Open Source Software for spatial management of Land Ex
Geographical data services, via internet, require proper management of spatial and non-spatial data. GIS helps in effective analysis and...

Once upon a time … in the web - Episode iv
Δόμηση Γεωγραφικού Πληροφοριακού Συστήματος [GIS] και ανάπτυξη εφαρμογών Διαχείρισης ακίνητης περιουσίας στο Λιγνιτικό Κέντρο Μεγαλόπολης...

Once upon a time … in the web - Episode iii
Federal, regional, state, county, and local planning agencies have realized the power of enterprise GIS to identify problems, respond to...

Regional focal mechanisms in the Aegean area determinded by waveform modeling and their Tectonic imp
Focal mechanism parameters of earthquakes with magnitude Mw>5.0 and shallow focal depth (h <40 Km) from Greece and its surroundings have...